AIOTI Strategic Foresight Through Digital Leadership: IoT and Edge Computing ConvergenceAIOTI has published its vision on IoT and Edge Computing convergence.
The document examines arguments, observations, experiences and reflections from relevant events and documents that underline IoT and edge consumer, business, industrial sector-specific perspectives based on a review of technology trends. It also recognises potential new innovative concepts and possible obstacles to future research and innovation. In summary:
- Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and edge computing are at the core of digitalisation, with key industrial sectors seeing great potential in these technologies.
- New IoT and edge capabilities drive the decentralisation of architectures and topologies and accelerate the decarbonisation of applications in industrial sectors.
- Edge computing has triggered a paradigm shift in cloud computing. There is a clear need to orchestrate resources to create a “computing continuum”.
- We are seeing calls for a new operating system at the edge for decentralised IoT/IIoT computing architectures and real-time processing.
- Open industrial IoT edge computing platforms must strive for leadership to address the challenges of the evolving digital age.
The ideas and trends identified have been consolidated into four main recommendations.
Europe must build on its strengths in electronic control systems, safety-critical systems, sensing and automation, mechatronics and microelectronics/microsystems, privacy-preserving technologies, and intelligent connectivity.
A single market for IoT/IIoT edge computing is required. There is a need for a single market for IoT/edge devices and systems founded on open standards, able to connect seamlessly and on a plug-and-play basis to the edge and the cloud.
Europe needs a trustworthy infrastructure that builds on flexible federation and a “fair business offer” to manage vast amount of IoT-generated data and change how ownership and location of data are treated. The EU needs to identify the catalysts that may speed up innovation at the edge, to scale-up and invest in infrastructure, enable orchestration across relevant players in the value chain, and facilitate coordination on horizontal issues such as interoperability and open standards.
Europe needs to capitalise on the shift of value creation to the edge. It can do this by further accelerating the technological developments of IoT and edge computing, and support the convergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital twins, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and intelligent connectivity at the edge by creating large-scale open edge IoT projects.
Full document could be downloaded here.
Blog: IoT – Driving European Technology Leadership
On the 29, September, we celebrated our 2, Signature Event, bringing together close to 250 stakeholders to discuss the new technological advances affecting the IoT ecosystem. We invited change-makers and policy-shapers to join the debate on some of the most pressing cross-domain topics, including:
- Data sovereignty and the role of IoT
- 5G and beyond: applications in cross-vertical domains
- European Research priorities for IoT, sustainability and climate change
Although this post cannot do justice to the richness and quality of the interventions, we do hope that it can serve as an aide-memoir for those of you who were able to attend, and a glimpse of what was on offer for those of you who could not. You can find the blog here.
Activage Virtual Experience Day
On 21 October the Activage Virtual Experience Day successfully took place online from 10.00 until 14.30. AIOTI’s Secretary General was speaking on behalf of the organisation at round table with center on the topic of Silver Economy in the post-COVID. You can find more information about the webinar here.
Electro Mobility Task Force – Kick-off – Please join !
WG Smart Mobility initiated a new workstream Electro Mobility Task Force, which aims to build a data marketplace and execution environment for electro-mobility charging services and data. The idea is based on the outcomes of the NEMO project and now the idea is to build such a marketplace and run it within AIOTI as a special Task Force.
We would like to invite you to express your interest to join the kick-off call for this initiative to hear the initial idea and to share your views and your potential roles. Based on your interest, we will share shortly the date and time for the kick-off call in the coming two weeks. Please let us know in advance by expressing your interest to our Secretary General at sg@aioti.eu, preferably by the end of this week (30.10. COB).
Green Deal Calls matchmaking
European Commission has published 23 calls in 10 thematic areas of Green deal under Horizon 2020. AIOTI organised streams per each area/topic that you can join and work on forming consortia with other interested AIOTI members. You can check all streams here.
IoT Security Policy sub-group kick-off
WG Standardisation and Policy launched a joint sub-group on IoT Security Policy on 20 October. Terms of Reference could be found here and you are invited to join this work stream.