To drive on behalf of our members business, policy, research and innovation development in the IoT & Edge Computing and other converging technologies across the Digital Value Chain to support digitization in Europe, and competitiveness of Europe.
VisionTogether we aim to lead, promote, bridge and collaborate in IoT & Edge Computing and other converging technologies research and innovation, standardisation and ecosystem building providing IoT deployment for European businesses creating benefits for European society. We co-operate with other global regions to ensure removal of barriers to development of the IoT & Edge Computing market, while preserving the European values, including privacy and consumer protection.
General Assembly (GA)The General Assembly (GA) is the highest body of the Association. Every full member has one vote. We have one physical General Assembly meeting per year. The GA decides on the general direction of the Association, for all major legal and financial changes and adoption of the annual budget.
Management Board (MB)The Management Board (MB) has the responsibility to conduct the management of the Association, including providing strategic direction, communications, membership, finance and overal management of the association. Members of the Management Board are elected by the General Assembly every two years.
View Management Board Steering Board (SB)The Steering Board (SB) consists of the chairs of the Working Group. The SB has responsibility for the development of the content, providing directions to and coordinating work between groups, and for relations with external partners.
View Steering Board Our GroupsAIOTI has at the moment 11 Working Groups (5 horizontal and 6 vertical groups) and 4 Interest Groups. Each Group has a Chair and Co-chair, nominated and elected by the members of that Group every two years.
View our Groups SecretariatAIOTI has a Secretariat led by the Secretary General. The Secretariat is supporting Management Board and Steering Board/Working Group operations, as well as supporting Management Board in performing day to day membership and financial management and providing operational support.
View Secretariat Members View membersAIOTI’s key aim is to enhance innovation and economic development across the Internet of Things in Europe. To maintain European competitiveness on a global scale, this aim is best achieved by working not just within Europe, but also with key enabling actors across the world.
To this end, AIOTI is proud to collaborate on different levels with a range of organisations. Below is the list of our current international, European and standardisation collaborations.