Research and Partnerships

To build a vibrant, thriving and supportive IoT community and the venue to address the industrial and societal IoT research technologies and methodologies across industrial sectors, and to roadmap the research activities
  • Monitor and identify the IoT/IIoT edge and distributed computing research activities and future trends, develop, and maintain the Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), while updating the future research roadmap and identifying the gaps. Liaison and alignment of research activities with European partnerships under Horizon Europe by contributing to further collaboration, synergies, and alignment between partnerships research agendas.
  • IoT/IIoT strategy alignment with Europe’s digital vision and green technologies priorities by defining the unique elements covered by AIOTI
  • Advancement of IoT/IIoT and edge distributed computing based on future intelligent connectivity across industrial sectors
  • Next-generation IoT/IIoT and edge distributed computing for autonomous systems
  • Support for intelligent high performance, energy efficient IoT/IIoT components and systems
  • Aggregate the inputs from the working groups, structure, coordinate and release the AIOTI Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)
  • Participation to European Partnerships Collaborative Events. Alignment of the research priorities and promote which activities are specific for AIOTI In the European research and Innovation landscape.
  • Organization and participation to selected sessions at IoT Week Annual Conference 2021
  • IoT and AI Convergence at the Edge and Deep Edge and contribution to the Cluster Book
  • Work stream on IoT technologies and AI at the edge across the IoT/IIoT architectural layers and applications verticals
  • Support organization IoT Webinars/Workshops 2021
  • Contribution to AIOTI Signature Event
Ovidiu Vermesan, SINTEF
Valerio Frascolla, Intel
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