AIOTI General Assembly, 21 June, Aarhus, Denmark
This year General Assembly was held on 21 June in Aarhus, Denmark, collocated with the IoT Week. Besides formal decisions taken (adoption of the 2018 annual accounts, giving discharge to the Management Board for the financial year 2018, appointing of the auditor for 2019 and announcement of the election resuls for the Management Board), the center stage took the open discussion and exchanges through panel discussions on achievements of the WG IoT Standardisation, Management and Steering Board as well as discussion on the EU partnership that engaged the whole audience in the discussion. Presentations can be found on Teamwork.

IoT Week
AIOTI was this year well represented at the IoT Week, that was held 18-20 June at Aarhus, Denmark. Active participation of almost all AIOTI working groups, lead on work streams on data market places, future of manufacturing, participation in joint workshop with BDVA, workshop on collaboration with China AII and participation at the closing ceremony. More follow-up presentations and video recordings could be found on IoT Week website. AIOTI Management Board and Steering Board had also series of informal meetings and joint dinner.

ITS Congress 3-6 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands
AIOTI was actively participating and co-organising two workshops at the ITS Congress in Amsterdam:
Digital Marketplace Constructs in Smart Mobility and Smart Cities on 4 June and Open Data Access to Mobility Data on 5 June.

The Future Internet Conference, 6 June, Brussels, Belgium
Natalie Samovich, chair of WG Smart Energy represented AIOTI at the panel on “Securing a complex and dynamic digital ecosystem”

Digital Agenda Assembly, 13-14 June, Bucharest, Romania
Kees van der Klauw represented AIOTI at the plenary sessions Digital 4 Communities. |