Please join us in welcoming new AIOTI members:
At the end of January, AIOTI has 181 members. |
Ageing Fit, 30 January 2019, Lille, France
WG5 participated in the panel of session Smart city: Which challenges and opportunities in designing age-friendly solutions? More information could be found here. |
SET-Plan Symposium on Interoperability – 30 January, Vienna
Natalie Samovich, AIOTI Chair of WG on Smart Energy was invited to participate in the Symposium and interoperability workshop at SmartGrids Austria in Vienna and to speak at the session on interoperability, Architectures, Actors and Business models impact in the context of Open Energy Marketplaces. More info could be found here. |
Roundtable Discussion: Security in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), 5 February 2019, Brussels
AIOTI’s Secretary General Damir Filipovic was invited to a special invite-only roundtable event taking place on 5th February. This was the first in a series of Brussels Tech Tables, a strategic partnership between Forum Europe, Accenture and Microsoft, that has sprung from the Brussels Tech Summit. The objective of the series is to convene experts and stakeholders to contribute to future digital policy development on priority and emerging technologies and IT trends. |
F2F meeting of WG4 of ETIP SNET on Digitalisation in energy sector, 15 February 2019, Brussels
Nathalie Samovich, AIOTI Chair of WG on Smart Energy, participated in the F2F meeting of WG of ETIP SNET on Digitalisation in the energy sector. Among others, big ideas for the energy sector were discussed. |
Upcoming meetings and events
AIOTI General Assembly
This year we will again collocate the General Assembly with IoT week in Aarhus, Denmark. The General Assembly will be held on Friday, 21 June in Aarhus, ARoS Art Museum.
Co-designing benefits from a European IoT DIH network workshop, 7 March, Brussels
Workshop is co-designing benefits form a European IoT DIH network and is collocated to Open Energy Marketplaces and the enabling technologies, that is jointly organised by DG Connect, DG Energy, AIOTI, ENTSO-E, KIc Inoenergy and ETIP-SNET on 8 March in Brussels. More information about this event can be found here. |
Open Energy Markets workshop, 8 March Brussels
The event is jointly organised between DG ENER and DG CONNECT, the Alliance AIOTI, ENTSO-E, KIC InnoEnergy, and ETIP-SNET.
The workshop is organised to validate findings of the above organisations in preparation of a position paper to contribute to a strategy Energy & Digitisation, in general. The following topics will be discussed:
1. Outlook Energy Marketplaces 2030. Role of enabling digital technologies (Blockchain, DLT, IoT, Digitalisation, AI) in the EU’s energy transition;
2. Open Energy Marketplaces: governance of platforms and data exchange, GDPR, architectures, operational principles, interoperability and beyond;
3. Scaling up investments in digital technologies and services: Opportunities and roadblocks, investors and market trends
More details and an update of the agenda will be provided on the AIOTI website. |
Cybersecurity in Digital Water Infrastructure, 28 May 2019 (WG10 Smart Water Management participation) |
MT organises in partnership with France Brevets, Qualcomm and Eurecom an international 5G event:
Beyond the hype: the internet of things, 10 April 2019, Brussels |
INNOGRID 2020: Connecting Physics and digits: Power Platforms on the rise, 13-14 May 2019, Brussels
Nathalie Samovich, AIOTI Chair of WG on Smart Energy, will be speaking at the occasion. More information could be found here. |
IoT Week 2019, 17-21 June 2019, Aarhus, Denmark
Special Registration Fee for AIOTI members
Regarding the AIOTI members who want to attend the IoT Week, they will benefit from a discount when they register via the link above and enter the following Promotional Code: AIOTImember2019!
If they register by 8th March, the Reduced Fees for the full IoT Week will be 715 € instead of 894 € with Gala Dinner and 595 € instead of 744 € without Gala Dinner.
All prices are including 25% Danish VAT. |
Keynote speaker will be David Langley (TNO), co-chair of WG2 Innovation Ecosystems. The same WG and WG8 Smart Cities will participate in track Industrial track around the topic of Smart cities