Please join us in welcoming the following members:
By the end of September, AIOTI had 200 members.
World Computer Conference (17-21 September, Poznan, Poland)
AIOTI Management Board Chair Kees van der Klauw was invited to speak at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, to present AIOTI. The title of his speech was: “The Internet of Things is hardly about technology: how it impacts society, business and professions.
IoT and open access to data workshop (4 September, Brussels)
ERTICO organized a workshop in cooperation with AIOTI and other partners on IoT and open access to data on 4 September in Brussels. AIOTI was represented by Secretary General Damir Filipovic, who was speaking on behalf of AIOTI. More about the workshop could be found here.
IoT Week 2018 (4-7 June, Bilbao, Spain)
For a summary of the IoT Week and a short report, please click here.
David Langley, Vice Chair of the AIOTI Working Group 2 on Innovation Ecosystems, was interviewed during the IoT Week 2018 in Bilbao. See here an interview where Mr Langley talks about IoT European LSP Programme.
You can find all video interviews on the IoT European LSP Programme at the following website: https://european-iot-pilots.eu/video-interview
AIOTI Steering Board face-to-face meeting
On 7 September, AIOTI Steering Board Members met in Sophia Antipolis, meeting hosted by ETSI. AIOTI Steering Board Members discussed the strategy and growth as a follow-up to the AIOTI General Assembly meeting in Bilbao on 8 June.
Bilbao IoT Week 2018 Summary
We have been working all the month of July to update our website and I am pleased to inform you that you will find in this following link the IoT Week 2018 short Report as well as all the presentations that speakers allow to publish: https://iotweek.org/iot-week-bilbao/
We have also put all the pictures of our event in this following link: https://iotweek.org/gallery-2018/
COPA-COGECA workshop (5 September, Brussels)
Luis Perez-Freire, WG06 chair participated in a workshop organised by COPA-COGECA (who are members of AIOTI): “EU Strategy To Promote Digital And Technological Transformation Of EU Agriculture”.
Luis has moderated a panel session, as WG06 chair, on the topic “What Kind Of Infrastructure Do We Need To Build Up The Data-Driven Agri-Business Solutions Of The Future”.
Forum SmartAgro (19 September, Zaragoza, Spain)
On 19 September, Luis Perez Freire, WG06 chair gave the opening plenary in the following conference about digitisation of the agrifood sector in Spain. More information could be found here.
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Hack Istanbul 2018
AIOTI is partnering with HackIstanbul 2018 CTF Contest. More information can be found on the website.
Upcoming meetings and events
EFECS, 20-22 November, Lisbon. (AIOTI Secretary General Damir Filipovic will represent AIOTI)
ICT 2018 4-6 December, Vienna. (WG05 Chair Mustapha Bouraoui is among speakers).
IoT Week 2018 will take place between 2-9 December 2018. A week of events in the region of Hauts-de-France dedicated to the Internet of Things, in the sectors of Industry of the Future, the City and the Society.
AIOTI signed MoU’s with the following organisations
OPC Foundation
OSGi Alliance
AIOTI position on IoT research and innovation priorities
AIOTI has prepared views on IoT research and innovation priorities in Europe. The position could be found here.
AIOTI position on Horizon Europe and Digital Europe
AIOTI has prepared its views on the next European research and innovation programme Horizon Europe and on the Digital Europe. The position could be found here.
WG06: Smart Farming & Food Security
WG06 have launched a questionnaire to collect information for creating an up to date map of current initiatives relevant to the application of IoT to smart farming and digital agriculture, and would like to have members help in getting the widest possible dissemination through AIOTI channels.
The questionnaire is available here. The results will be reported back later in the year and provide access to anyone for the data as well.
Blockchain Work Stream
Workstream launched an online questionnaire on “what kind of Blockchain Know how do we have in AIOTI?”
Members were asked to help in getting an overview on the Blockchain Swarm Intelligence of AIOTI Community. Members feedback will help AIOTI to shape and plan the future actions towards Blockchain and IoT. The questionnaire could be found here.