MoU signed with climate Chain Coalition
AIOTI and Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) signed the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between AIOTI and the CCC on research, knowledge development and dissemination, and network activities for DLT and related digital solutions (e.g. IoT, AI, ML) for climate action including energy performance.
The collaboration will focus on the following areas:
- CCC encouraging CCC members to engage with the AIOTI DLT Testbeds
- DLT Testbed #1 on DLT Use cases demonstration – Climate action
- DLT Testbed #3 on DLT Protocols – Energy efficiency
- AIOTI IG DLT members to engage with the CCC’s global network of members
- Opportunity to participate in CCC events and networking activities
- Opportunity to contribute to knowledge development and dissemination
Report: Edge Computing Standard Framework Concepts
AIOTI WG Standardisation has published on 7 September a report Edge Computing Standard Framework Concepts, Release 1.0. You can download report
Report: IoT and Edge Computing impact on Beyond 5G: enabling technologies and challenges
AIOTI WG Standardisation has published on 9 September a report IoT and Edge Computing impact on Beyond 5G: enabling technologies and challenges Release 1.0. You can download report
Crypto Quantique

At the end of this month, AIOTI has 221 members.

AIOTI signature event will be held on 30 November as an online webinar, starting at 14.00h CET. Please register here.
The EPBD revision: how to make the building sector decarbonised, energy efficient and healthy through smartness, 14 October
SIDO Paris, 9 – 10 November
Satellite Connectivity Summit, 16 – 18 November, Bremen
International Conference on Data Protection, Regulatory Compliance, and Innovative Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2022, Venice, Italy
IoT World Solution Congress, 10 – 12 May 2022, Barcelona
Calendar of internal meetings