IoT/IIoT and Edge Computing convergence: how to move towards European solutions
Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and edge computing are at the core of digitalisation, with key industrial sectors seeing great potential in these technologies. New IoT and edge capabilities drive the decentralisation of architectures and topologies and accelerate the decarbonisation of applications in industrial sectors.
Edge computing has also triggered a paradigm shift in cloud computing. There is a clear need to orchestrate resources to create a “computing continuum”. We are seeing calls for a new operating system at the edge for decentralised IoT/IIoT computing architectures and real-time processing.
Open industrial IoT edge computing platforms must strive for leadership to address the challenges of the evolving digital age.
We will demonstrate how this can be done by using IoT/IIoT as a driver, what are the opportunities and challenges for European industries as well as future outlook of what Europe needs to do in order to reap the benefits of the new digital revolution.
We will also discuss and make proposals on how Europe can:
- Put IoT/IIoT and edge computing are at the core of digitalisation, with key industrial sectors seeing great potential in these technologies
- Drive the decentralisation of architectures with new IoT and edge computing capabilities and topologies, and accelerate the decarbonisation of applications in industrial sectors
- Orchestrate resources to form a “computing continuum”
- Design new operating system at the edge for decentralised IoT/IIoT computing architectures and real-time processing
- Striving for leadership in open industrial IoT edge computing platforms
The main objective of the event is to see how IoT/IIoT and Edge Computing convergence fits with the ongoing initiatives by the European Commission and on the market.
Participants will gain insights in AIOTI contribution to IoT/IIoT and Edge Computing in research and deployment, linking it with major EU initiatives and available funding.

Strategic Agenda and Collaborations session
AIOTI Advancing European IoT and Edge Computing Research and Innovation. Priorities and Synergies across Horizon Europe Partnerships
The session will provide an overview of the AIOTI research and innovation priorities and present the trends and advancements of next-generation IoT and edge computing technologies as part of the computing continuum. The presentations and discussions will highlight the specific technological elements, the complementarities and synergies with other European partnerships that provide the mechanisms to strengthen the European value chains in intelligent IoT developments by integrating relevant technology elements of IoT, edge computing, digital twins, connectivity, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity.

15:30 - Q&A
Envisioning buildings block towards European solutions for IoT/IIoT edge computing in Europe:
Unlocking opportunities and tackling challenges and risks and in how IoT/IIoT can be driver of more green, digital and resilient Europe, how to build a single market for IoT/IIoT edge computing in Europe? How to capitalise on the shift of value creation to the edge?
How IoT and Edge Computing enable achieving Green Deal targets: Circular Economy/Green IoT

Dieter Wegener, Siemens, Head of External Cooperatiom
Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei, Chair of AIOTI Standardisation WG
Maciej Kowalczyk, European Commission, DG CLIMA, Policy Officer
Ilias Iakovidis, European Commission, DG Connect, Adviser on Green Digital Transformation
16:45 - Q&A
European Data Strategy from the IoT market perspective

Anna Ludin, European Commission, DG Connect, Data Policy and Innovation Unit
Rolf Riemenschneider, European Commission, DG Connect, IoT Unit
Nicolas Kourtellis, Telefonica, Research Scientist
Giovanni Aiello, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Technical Manager
17:45 - Q&A
Panel 1:
Panel 2: