This workshop is part of the thematic workshop series organised by NGIoT, the EU IoT roadmap action. The workshops are hosted by NGIoT together with the European Commission + relevant associations, networks, projects and organisations.
The objective of these thematic workshops is to mobilise the community in anticipation of the upcoming Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes, and to consolidate priorities from the communities of stakeholders in a roadmap for Europe (the main objective for NGIoT), both relating to technologies and with respect to supporting the range of relevant policies, including the green deal.
Focus for the afternoon is rural smart communities and agrifood, taking departure on the synergies that exist on the technical level but also common interests related to the long-term vision for rural areas in Europe. The basis is a white paper developed by the a set of projects that represent both the cross-cutting community aspects (AURORAL and dRural) and the more sectorial aspects (DEMETER, ATLAS, IoF2020 and SmartAgriHubs). The outset is technical, including areas such as data spaces, edge computing, digital twins and AI, with a heavy focus on interoperability, but in the context of both economic, social and environmental aspects, related to the overall policies. The morning of this day is on Smart Cities & Communities more broadly and with more focus on urban areas – but the urban-rural territorial and economic continuum is recognised throughout. The full day will be planned with Living-in.EU and OASC as an overarching umbrella, and the morning and afternoon sessions co-organised with a set of linked associations.