The ScODIHNet initiative is contributing to the European Industry Digitalisation helping companies to improve their processes, products and services through the use of connectivity technologies.
The SCoDIHNet initiative is co-supported by AIOTI ( and the 6G IA ( and is supporting Digital Innovation Hubs that are providing services on 5G/6G, IoT, Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
5G/6G, IoT are key technologies to develop digitalization of the European industry together with AI and cybersecurity in order to ensure flexibility, adaptability and end-to-end security.
SCoDIHNet initiative encompasses more than 80 members from over 25 European countries.

The SCoDIHNet initiative is a network of DIH, with the objective to to support DIHs. The DIH belonging to the SCoDIHNet are providing support to the industry from a number of verticals in order to develop digital services which need smart connectivity technologies. Experiments in these vertical domains are expected at DIH level.
The list of all DIH in SCoDIHNet could be found here.
The SCoDIHNet platform catalog is collecting all the technical platform used by DIHs to develop services and the possibility to share them remotely among DIHs.
SCoDIHNet Platform CatalogueThe SCoDIHNet is providing training courses to the DIH (train the trainers) on specific technical subjects on 5G, IoT.
This service will propose an online catalog with contacts in order to help DIH staff to train to specific 5G or IoT technologies.
This service will also propose to organise online training sessions on specific topics that have an interest for DIH staff but also for DIH “customers”. Webinars could also be organised on demand.
The SCoDIHNet initiative is a network of DIH, it does not run experiments but offer a number of services that helps DIH in their day to day operation. A paper published in July 2020 (which will be updated soon with the final logo) is presenting these 18 services classified in 4 domains:
Catalog of servicesHow Digital Innovation Hubs could take advantage of the Large Scale Projects results to replicate use cases and solutions at the local level, webinar, 28.01.2021.
Replicability catalog